Now the Indian Lok Sabha (House of the People) will debate Sourav Ganguly’s exclusion from the Indian Cricket Team. Don’t they have important things to discuss rather than getting into this mess. I am sick and tired of people arguing that he was the best Indian Captain and has scored 15000 runs. Other wonderful cricketers of far more greatness than Ganguly like Steve Waugh or Kapil Dev were not treated any better when they retired. His exit would have been honorable if he had decided to quit himself. As he was a liability to Indian cricket team for long and should have been expelled long back. Can anyone remind me when he was the man of the match last time? Our parliament should spend their time wisely on topics like good governance, improving road, rail and air infrastructure, corrupt and criminal politicians etc and accountability to Indians. I wonder if anyone is paying a certain MP to ask questions regarding Ganguly’s exit from Team India.!!!!
Friday, December 16, 2005
Tuesday, December 06, 2005
Indians Abroad
Interestingly one could see 3 phases in any Indian’s (Desi) life abroad (whether they live in US/UK/Europe/Australia). For your convenience I am using the US.
Phase - I - Symptoms
Landing in US…
- Becomes very homesick, calls home twice a day (Consistent source of income for AT &T, Pac Bell, Reliance etc).
- Runs around for desi food.
- Thinks all the females are chicks as shown in English movies.. gets the first hand experience of macho people.
- Asks for bus routes
- Can be located in malls with popped up eyes
- Looks for 'S' sized T shirt in the boy's section
- Looks at all the cool cars as if he could swallow with eyes.
- Converts every spending dollar into rupees
- Roams every bit of Safeway/Albertson’s/longs
- Tries to cook at home.
Phase - II - Symptoms
Settles in a bit…
- Has multiple calling cards and knows which one to use, factoring time and day :) By this time calling home frequency dries down, may be weekly once/twice
- Have a real white Nike/Adidas hike shoes- discusses with friends about the car to buy. (Everybody in the office will know that our man is trying to buy a car)
- Settle for a Civic / corolla, since they are best desi cars
- Buys a Costco card
- Starts to compare India-US for every petty thing
- Crib about the cashiers in stores, compare them with Indian petty store owners.. how quick they were in counting chillers.
- Every month, checks the balance and equate it to what it can buy in India
- Look for exotic locations with in city/USA (you know what I mean right?)
- Starts asking for 'Bud'
- Starts searching for a bride from India and gets married.
- Scans every weekly supplement sale and garage sales in and out.
Phase - III - Symptoms
Real confusion begins here…
- Drops all the calling cards, stick to a phone line. Says line has better clarity.
- Thinks about getting a bigger/powerful car
- Starts spending weekends mostly at home and frequently visits jacuzzi
- Pastes the country's flag on car
- Wonders whether he should apply for a permanent residency?
- Asks the guys whether he would get a job if he goes to India (Welcome to reality dude)
- Tries to affiliate himself to the local groups (Non desi groups, to be specific)
- Watching Indian movies/wearing Indian dress becomes a fashion statement
- suddenly, opportunity becomes oppor-tune-ity! India becomes eendya!! often becomes of-ten !!!- Tries to talk in mother tongue with kids, gets shocked when they refuse!
- Thinks about going back to India, always; in fact it becomes a thread in the mind that runs in the background!!
Do you have your own desi observations?
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