This week's Newsweek is a must buy/read for Indians. It is about the rise of India as a nation. Here is what I think about the article in brief. Fareed Zakaria did a wonderful job of covering the many complex facets of India as it marches to stardom and basks in its moment of glory. The article was balanced and provided facts and numbers that astonished even me-- an Indian. That America is finally seeing India as a huge success story and not a nation fraught with poverty and disease makes me proud and happy. However, I strongly object to putting Padma Lakshmi on the cover. Though easy on the eye, Ms Lakshmi is hardly deserving of such an honor given that her major (and dubious?) claim to fame is writer hubby Salman Rushdie. What’s more, she lives abroad and will not even be recognized by a majority of Indians. I would have chosen a more fitting Indian personality or key entrepreneurs whose brilliance and efforts have ushered in India’s Golden era. Finally, I believe that Indo-American partnership, be it in commerce, education or even the military, will greatly benefit both countries
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